Grants - Mary's Pence

What We Do


Responsive funding for women creating social change.

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Mary’s Pence Grantees Are


centered on issues women face or on gender justice issues, benefitting and primarily led by cis women, trans women, or non-binary people.


emerging from a need identified within the impacted community, and collaboratively developed by and led by members of that community.

Working to enact long term sustainable change at the community level —

shifting public opinion about justice issues; forming alliances and collaborations across diverse populations; creating change in unjust structure or policies; or building capacity by building leadership, organizing or other social justice skills.

Focused on social justice actions —

human dignity, the common good, the right to economic security and dignified work, care for the earth, participation, subsidiarity (decisions are made at the most local level possible and involve those most impacted) and nonviolence.


We are committed to inclusion and equity and strive to ensure that our grantee funding reflects the diversity of the communities with which we partner with regard to color, income, physical ability, geography, age, and gender identity. We are committed to removing barriers that are faced by equity-seeking groups.

Beyond the Money

Our granting process is intentional and holistic. In order to meet emerging needs, we do not restrict funding to prescribed issue areas. Rather, the kinds of social justice issues that we fund arise organically as needs change and emerge within a community. We also provide our grantees with additional support including networking, retreats, information sessions and publicity.

Our unique approach has been recognized in recent years and is one of the main reasons we maintain a 100% rating on GrantAdvisor.


Issues We Recently Funded

Advocating for Just Systems


St. Louis, Missouri

THISTL, Trans Housing Initiative St. Louis, is tackling the systemic injustices that Trans humans face in the housing sector. They advocate for the proper treatment of Trans humans seeking shelter, housing, and home ownership.

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Cultivating Women Leaders

Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual

Silver Spring, Maryland

The Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER) is a non-profit center for feminist work in religion, led by women and driven by social justice. They’ve established a global network of activists, scholars, ministers, and others.

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Empowering Young Women


St. Louis, Missouri

LitShop provides afterschool and summer programming, including engaging literacy training opportunities like book clubs, carpentry, printmaking, woodworking, and metalworking workshops.

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Advocating for Just Systems

POWER – Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights

Olympia, Washington

Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights (POWER) is an organization of low-income parents and allies advocating for a solid social safety net. POWER provides information to and advocates for low-income families navigating social programs.

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Advocating for Just Systems

Fandom Forward

Binghamton, New York

Fandom Forward’s mission is to turn fans into heroes. They are a leader in fan activism, an organizing strategy that draws parallels between pop culture and real-world issues of inequity to mobilize fans for social good.

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Inclusive Community


Billings, Montana

4Q6’s mission is to empower LGBTQ+ youth across Montana by providing education, resources, and community-building opportunities.

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