Reading can be a mirror, a window, or sliding glass doors. - Mary's Pence

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Reading can be a mirror, a window, or sliding glass doors.

Reading can be a mirror, a window, or sliding glass doors.

Books are mirrors where you can see yourself in the pages or a window through which you can discover a new story or understand another’s experience. Sometimes, you experience walking through a sliding glass door and have your understanding of the world transformed.

 Mary’s Pence is pleased to present our curated Summer Reading List, which focuses on the intersectionality of vital issues. The issues in this list reflect the work funded by Mary’s Pence, with your generous support.

 This year’s Summer Reading List will help you:

  • Explore the intersecting faith identities of being Muslim and queer, disabled and Jewish, or rejecting patriarchal supremacy as a Catholic bishop.
  • Understand capitalism, white supremacy and the prison industrial complex, how they benefit the privileged, and ways to disrupt these cycles.
  • Ponder a complex world through characters, both real and fictional, impacted by both history and the systems we live within.

Thanks to everyone who is committed to this work. Your gifts positively change the world, helping women transform their communities so everyone can live their best lives. Your gift is an act of solidarity that also impacts you, the giver.

Check out the Summer Reading List 2024 here.

Explore these books, share your feedback, and make suggestions for future reading lists!


With gratitude, 

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