ESPERA Archives - Mary's Pence


How María Rebuilt Her Bakery After Surviving Cancer

María Transito and her husband run a small business together in a rural area of Tonacatepeque in El Salvador. Their house is divided into two parts: a bedroom and a...

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Organic Gardening Emerging in El Salvador

An increasing number of communities, including our ESPERA partners in El Salvador, have turned their attention to organic farming as a sustainable alternative amidst challenges posed by climate change and...

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Insights from Central America: A Journey With Mary’s Pence

Part of Mary's Pence team in the United States traveled to Central America last month. This is what we saw! We met with ten ESPERA partner organizations. Three were from...

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ESPERA’s Path to Women’s Empowerment

The El Salvador Follow-Up Committee gathered together — 15 women from 7 ESPERA organizations — to discuss the year's accomplishments, their roles as leaders, and their plans for 2024. The...

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Welcoming New ESPERA Partners in Guatemala and Honduras

We are excited to announce a significant expansion of our ESPERA program as we welcome four new organizations into our group of partners. After months of dedicated work, evaluations, and...

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Rosita from Nicaragua. Breaking Gender Barriers.


Breaking Gender Barriers in Rural Nicaragua

Every day, a little before 6 a.m. Rosita opens her moto-parts shop. “I open the doors early because customers pass by on their way to work, looking for fuel. After...

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How Women Are Recovering Native Traditions

Suchitoto is a place where breathtaking mountainous scenery meets a rich history marked by tragic armed conflict and violence. Amidst the natural beauty of this region, a story of resilience,...

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Advancing Women’s Business Skills in El Salvador

Born into a deeply patriarchal society, Salvadoran women and girls face risks in every sphere of life. Violence, misogyny, and little economic opportunity are some of their daily struggles.

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“We Want a Life Free of Violence”

After meeting virtually with CEPROSI's technical team and studying all the information available about their story, our ESPERA Program Lead, Mabel Martínez, made the 11 hours bus ride from Tegucigalpa,...

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Sonia Flores, El Salvador, ESPERA member


From Growing Chickens to Having Her Own Food Business

Life in rural El Salvador is filled with challenges, but also with women ready to take action and work hard for their families and their communities. That’s the case of...

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