Your Dollars Count
Mary’s Pence is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (EIN: 36-3556481). Donations from individuals consistently account for nearly 87% of our income. This puts Mary’s Pence in an enviably stable position, as we aren’t dependent on any single funding source. It also means that gifts of every amount make a difference. While we sometimes receive grants and larger gifts from churches, women’s religious communities, and foundations, it is the women and men who share our vision for women’s empowerment who make our work possible.
Donor Profile
What I think makes Mary’s Pence unique, and it’s also the reason why I give to Mary’s Pence, is that they, unlike almost any organization I know, put women from marginalized communities at the center of their work and have those women set the direction for their programs. And the reason they are able to do that is that they are funded by many individual donors, rather than grants. This allows them to be flexible and responsive to those women.
– Rebecca Blumenshine, long-time donor
Mary’s Pence Grants
Since 1987 Mary’s Pence has granted more than $1,750,000 in funds to women-led organizations in the Americas. Mary’s Pence grantees work with women experiencing difficulties including poverty, sex trafficking, asylum, domestic violence, homelessness, incarceration, cultural isolation and immigration to develop responsive long-term solutions.
ESPERA Program
Since its inception in 2008, over 1,500 women, ages 20 to 70, have benefited from the program. Mary’s Pence contributes to lending pools managed by our 14 partner organizations, with interest accrued from loans reinvested into the pools, thereby creating more resources for its members. The lending pools have collectively provided over one million dollars in loans to women, generating over $100,000 in interest since ESPERA began.
Financial Documents
Mary’s Pence 2025 Calendar of Women (FY 2024 Annual Report)
Audited Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2024 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)
Federal Public Inspection Form 990 for Fiscal Year 2024
Mary’s Pence is independent of the Catholic Church.
Candid (Guidestar) Exchange Seal
Candid (formerly known as Guidestar) awarded Mary’s Pence a Gold Transparency Seal for reporting fully on organizational data, including fundraising, budgeting, board and staff, and for meeting standard practices for nonprofits.
Charity Navigator
Charity Navigator evaluates only large nonprofits with budgets over $1,000,000, which is why you will not find us listed on their website.