Partners Archive - Mary's Pence



ESPERA Partner CESPPO in El Salvador

Salvadoran Coordinating Association of Small Organized Producers (CESPPO)

Santa Tecla, El Salvador

CESPPO represents women involved in a collaboration of small farmers working on issues related to fair trade, land rights, and the environment.

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Photograph of a group of women, some with children.

Grupo Emprendedor La Epifanía

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

The women live in urban neighborhoods experiencing gang violence. Epifania is one of the smallest groups with just 23 women participating. Their businesses include selling clothes and shoes, selling food and household items, and running transportation.

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Photograph of a women in traditional guatemalan dress sitting on the ground on mats writing on papers.

Asociación de Mujeres Sembradoras de Esperanza

Santa Cruz del Quiche, Guatemala

Their purpose is to strengthen equality in relationships between women and men; to set women on a liberating and committed path, in the family, the community and society, giving emphasis to indigenous and rural women.

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Photograph of several women in aprons around a high counter with baked bread on it.

Red de Mujeres Morelenses por una Economia Solidaria

Morelos, Mexico

The members come from marginalized rural communities with a high incidence of violence, unemployment, lack of basic services, provisional housing and infant malnutrition. There are also several indigenous communities within this network.

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Group of women standing outside in a barren landscape in a semicircle holding up shampoos and soaps.

Centro de Promoción y Salud Integral

Nindiri, Nicaragua

In addition to the ESPERA economic initiative, CEPROSI also runs a women’s community development group and a youth gender equity group. About 10% of the women use their ESPERA loans to create tusa (cornhusk) art, which is a traditional artwork for the region.

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A large group of women, some with children, standing outside.

Unión de Mujeres Salvadoreñas

San Salvador, El Salvador

The Unión works to strengthen their members to raise the civic participation of women in the political, social, economic, and cultural spheres to improve the quality of life for women and increase women’s dignity.

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Group of women standing outside with ESPERA staff.

Asociación de Mujeres Rurales “Olga Estela Moreno”

Bajo Lempa, El Salvador

Members of ASMUR are health promoters, teachers, farmers, ranchers, businesswomen, mothers, journalists, ex-councilwomen and students who fight together for equality between women and men, promoting the participation of women in the defense of their rights.

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