What One Bequest Can Do!
Because of her bequest to Mary’s Pence earlier this year, we were able to move forward with a long-held dream: to help the women involved in our ESPERA loan pools improve the financial and marketing skills necessary to ensure the success of their small businesses.
Read More »Violence in the Northern Triangle
A farming issue in El Salvador has been the use of genetically modified seeds. Monsanto owns the seeds, and farmers have to buy new ones for each planting season. If they should blow onto a neighboring farm, that owner can be sued.
Read More »Social Justice: A calling for Sister Patricia Ann Hurley.
She was the steady, quiet rock who created a foundation in the home office so Maureen (Mary’s Pence foundress) could do her amazing work organizing, speaking, meeting — ever tilling the fields across the country. Together they built the legacy we all inherited.
Read More »Solidarity at the Heart of Relationships – Bridgette Kelly
This was not the first time I have been in a group of women and engaged in a deep conversation about the meaning and reality of Solidarity. At the last board meeting, board members shared the real importance of solidarity among the women of Mary’s Pence, and the day to day relational quality of solidarity.
Read More »Strong Women
I absolutely love studying the complex, often unjust world in which we all live. Looking at what’s wrong, and trying to help fix it. Combating inequality with strength. I believe this is crucial for women everywhere as we face extreme systemic inequalities, worldwide.
Read More »Crossing Borders: My Journey to Global Feminsm
The work we do really works because part of our strategy is making sure we hear the experiences of individual women. Understanding, respecting, and directly responding to these experiences makes our work more effective.
Read More »Caring for Creation: Harmonizing Catholic Social Teaching and Feminist Values
“The life of the earth is an interconnected web, and no privileged hierarchy of the human over nature, justifying domination exists….Ecofeminism promotes a global movement founded on common interests and respect for diversity, in opposition to all forms of domination and violence.” – Veronica Rossato
Read More »In Her Own Words, Maureen Gallagher Remembers
I was so angry about the treatment of women, so when Sheila Murphy said we needed a Mary’s Pence I knew I was not alone. I had already had the vision in my head. Then, I felt all those women who came before me, Theresa of Avila, Dorothy Day, calling out, “Quit being angry and do something!”
Read More »Founding Board Member Yolanda Tarango, CCVI
Yolanda Tarango, CCVI was born and raised in the lands on which her family lived for generations, the former Mexico territory now known as Texas. Her life’s ministry is dedicated to giving voice to, partnering in empowerment and journeying spiritually with the Hispanic people and especially women of our diverse land.
Read More »Refurbishing an Old Tradition by Kaye Ashe, OP
The women who initiated Mary’s Pence feel we are part of a new state in the story of human development and change. We have a sense of being part of that delicious movement that is giving birth to a new sense of self among women and to a new sense of common bondedness.
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