Warminster, Pennsylvania
Welcoming the Stranger provides free education, training and resources to refugees and immigrants with the goal of helping each student improve their language and work skills, and giving them the resources needed to meet not only their own goals in the US, but empower them to actively participate in civic life, particularly around issues impacting immigrants. 75% – 80% of the students are women who are living at or below the poverty line when they begin classes. Funding from Mary’s Pence will support a class on work skills and language improvement in a large immigrant community. Lessons are personalized to best meet students’ needs, including practical lessons, such as navigating the healthcare system, applying for credit, and interviewing for jobs. Students form networks, working together as a community. Welcoming the Stranger education classes offer students economic empowerment and enable them to master the English language, empowering them to be actively involved in the education and healthcare of their children. These skills improve job opportunities and economic self-sufficiency while preserving dignity and autonomy. Welcoming the Strangers’ mission is focused on the Christian value of welcoming strangers into one’s community.
Success Story: Welcoming Stronger Local Communities
Website: Welcoming the Stranger