Katherine Wojtan, Author at Mary's Pence - Page 12 of 12
Photograph of Mary's Pence staff with the Minneapolis skyline in the background.


Summer Potluck

August 17, 6pm
St. Paul, Minnesota

Bring something to share and enjoy an evening with the Mary’s Pence community.

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LCWR Assembly Attendees visiting the Mary's Pence exhibit booth


LCWR Assembly Reception in Gratitude to the Sisters

August 10, 6:30-8:30pm
Orlando, Florida

We are deeply grateful for the support Mary’s Pence has received over our 30 years of funding women, changing lives.

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Mary's Pence staff and volunteers outside the office door.


Responsive Philanthropy Finalist

We are honored to receive high acclaim from MCN that identifies us as responsive to social justice initiatives and aware of public policy issues and long-term strategies to fight problems. “Mary’s Pence exemplifies the meaning of Responsive Philanthropy by partnering with nonprofits in mobilizing their resources for public benefit.”

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A flower growing in the cracks of a sidewalk.


Creating a Culture of Peace

August 4-6
St. Paul, Minnesota

Creating a Culture of Peace is a nationwide program for community-based and spiritually grounded active nonviolence.

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Photograph of a man wearing a hat that says "love your neighbor"


A Pastoral Letter to the People of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois

Our hearts go out to you who have been subjected to pastorally inadequate and insensitive theology in the recent DECREE “Regarding Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ and Related Pastoral Issues.” You deserve better because our Catholic faith teaches us to embrace everyone.

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Photograph of a rainbow flag waving in the sun.


Women-Church Convergence Expresses Solidarity With LGBTQI+ Community During Pride Month

We celebrate the monumental legal, social, and religious achievements on issues of sex and gender, and pledge our energies to ensure that more justice, more love will emerge. We are especially sobered as we approach the first anniversary of the horrific massacre of fifty people at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, the deadliest mass shooting on U.S. soil.

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A white woman and two Somali women at the Isuroon office.


Women’s Rights Are Human Rights

St. Paul Magazine May 2017
By Erik Tormoen

Gallagher imagined meeting God. “What did you do to help women?” God asked. She replied, “I’m a woman; I couldn’t do anything.” Again, God asked: “What did you do?”

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young women graduates from guatemala dressed in traditional bright patterned guatemalan dress


Pence From Heaven

Minnesota Women’s Press November 2015
By Terri Peterson Smith

Unlike traditional investors, Mary’s Pence doesn’t expect a financial return on its investment, but seeks a less tangible benefit instead – a better world for women.

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